Det här ett exklusivt meddelande för er som kan svenska eller litar på Google Translates förmågor. Nämligen finns det två jännän bloggar som jag skall rekommendera för er; den första är , en ärlig och känsloväckande blogg, den andra är min kaveris; , en både humoridtisk och tidvis lite deppig blogg..
PS, I just ate fries with ketchup. Yesterday was a lot of fun, only me falling in the escalators was tragic for my face....
29 Sept 2012
27 Sept 2012

Fb was down, and NO fucks were given. I was behind
it. Hopefully you enjoyed the freedom. But real errors happened this evening, numerous amount of
awkwardness in other words and no ways for fixing it. Meeting people, people you have tried to
forget that they even existed. Well the universe is as usual not on my side.
Free Plastic Surgery
There are people who have found my blog through an
anti-aging site... Well like I said in my blog-description am I actually
92-years-old. I’m willing to share my secret
recipes and help everyone to look as young and fresh as I look in this weird 17
year girl, the only problem is that I´m not quite sure if you have to be first
a muffin, or will a mortal human-body do the trick.
PS, don´t be so hard on yourself, everybody can´t be
as fabulous as I am.
26 Sept 2012
Walla walla
WELL, nothing overly dramatic has happen. Fun had a
surprisingly good stage-energy, Walk the Moon gave (me) an awesome gig, including
a dirty face when one of the band members put paint on my face : D Today I ate
mudcake while watching an oppressive movie "The Last House on the
Left", it was great film but I kinda lost my appetite.
24 Sept 2012
Monday: Happy Day
It was a successful day. No sarcasm involved.
ended up spending the day in the city with K because I only had one hour of
school. K and I had breakfast the sequel at McDonald´s and lunch at Hesburger, while
also having very interesting discussions of weird levels. Later my friend L
called and announced that tomorrow I will go on a gig and not just any gig but
FUN and WALK THE MOON´s gig... JESUS this is awesome...
23 Sept 2012
All Kinds of Candy
I have found a new target to obsess about: m&m´s
peanut candies!
Ps, I pretty much died while watching Joseph
Gordon-Levitt strip on Saturday Night Live, and that´s why I honored him to
function as my header.
Note: I refusing to hoover at home could cause a dreadful outcome, so if I disappear existing on the Internet I may have been killed... by my mum...
22 Sept 2012
Letting go
I often find
myself thinking about the past. Thinking
about how great something felt, how happy I was. Sometimes I think about what if,
what if I would have done things differently would today be better. Reliving moments can at times be a blast, but
it can also make us sad. I have come to the conclusion that all this has to
stop. Couple weeks ago I watched a
documentary that told the story of people living in the jungle that spoke a unique
language; it had no past tense. I like
that. That´s why I have decided to start focusing in this moment. Maybe I will also let go of the anger inside
of me, being angry requires a lot of energy, energy that could be used for
being satisfied. Right now I´m enjoying
the storm, thunderstorms always cheers me up...
21 Sept 2012
OMG! (yes If you were in my position you would also use similar expressions ) I checked on the internet to see the pics that had been taken in school, and fuck I look stupid. I mean how the hell did I manage to do duckface? -.-
![]() |
And no, you will not get the orginal colored version, not even if I die...... One question, why did they put a © on the pic, I would at least be ashamed to be the photographer... |
Ps. It´s friday so byeeeeee I´m heading off to the city...
19 Sept 2012
Jesus has returned
My mum was using her enormous power and sent me
outdoors, where it rained dinosaurs down. I didn´t have to walk for only a few
minutes before I fell down to the ground as a result of my dogs refusing to
walk forward. (And yes; my balance is fucked up... ) So then I obviously figured
that my dogs were done with the shitty weather. NO! They had noticed a beggar slash
Jesus, sitting on the top of a car. But when I took a closer look it was my neighbor’s
son. Welcome to my hoods!
18 Sept 2012
School, the place where all you can think about is
1. before noon: food, the hope of actually getting something tasteful
2. after lunch: the perfection of being home
So why am I informing you about all this, no idea.
Now to the second part of the post. My irritation to this kind of use of
The thing is that I can´t stand hipsters. Obviously will no one admit
being one, but if you are a hipster stay away from Tumblr. I couldn´t care less about your so called cool music style that you just found on your own.
What I need, is an explanation to the reason why they keep reblogging hour after
hour, day after day a piece of clothing or a nice view. NOOOO they are using it
all wrong. The dashboard should consist of awesome fandom greatness. And no, I
will not reveal any closer details, if you don´t understand then you should
stay stupid or cupid or something.
17 Sept 2012
Make up doesn´t enjoy my company. After pretty much failing my English exam, I decided for once to buy a mascara. (Don´t ask for logic here) Well so I bought a Phyto Mascara Ultra Stretch (deep brown) by Sisley (the name doesn´t make any sense for me either). This was what the seller recommended, or more like pushed me to take. Yeah of course since the price was really tempting. So I just spended fuckin 47 euros on black, sorry brown shit. Well to make this better; another mascara was waiting for me in my room. Like where does mum get her ideas. So now I have two.
There they are, aren´t they beautiful? Ps, ignore the crisps in the background.
My reaction.
There they are, aren´t they beautiful? Ps, ignore the crisps in the background.
My reaction.
16 Sept 2012
DAMN... Tomorrow it begins; 6 hours of writing the English matriculation exam. Hopefully I will not get a blackout. One thing is for sure; there will be a lot of food on my desk. Sandwiches, chocolate, coke, water, chocolate and more deliciousness. Now I should drag my ass to bed..
See u all!
And here is a little superb song:
See u all!
And here is a little superb song:
Christmas is here!
Just a fast update. Apparently the tattoo on my forehead hasn´t vanished. I was just out with my dogs and suddenly a group of people were gathered in the middle of the road. There was a guy who had a huge branch in his hands. He tried to hit on me by claiming that the branch was a christmas tree and that I should join them to the city and later on apply after high school to his school. I had a quite hard time get rid of this handsome but drunk guy. Thank god I didn´t give him my number... :D
I looove this song:
I looove this song:
15 Sept 2012
Hey peasants!
about yesterday, I´m quite sure that I had All weirdoes apply tattooed on my forehead. Everything started with me baking muffins and
mixing vodka with coke and afterwards meeting up with my friend A in the
metro. For some reason the alcohol rose
pretty fast in both our heads, and the “fun” could begin. In downtown we walked around in the so called
hurricane weather, which made our hair go all crazy and I started shouting out
to the strangers. Later on I called my two
other friends K and M to join us.
As the
vodka drastically started to decrease its existence, we decided to go and buy
some more booze. In one of Kamppi´s (a
shopping centre) grocery stores, the first weirdoes showed up.
We had picked
our alcohol, I went with the safe choice of strawberry-lime Upcider, and yes;
this information will be relevant later on.
Two guys, one bald and one with eyeliner on, asked K something about her
shoes. Then the eyeliner-guy asked me if could recommend something to drink. Do I look like a specialist, or what?
After me answering that I had no clue, he just randomly asked me if I had
boyfriend. Strange subject change is what I would call it. For a Nano second I was flattered but when he
asked me why I didn´t have one I kind of got furious so I just left. (I will do a new post related to this subject). Everyone was starving so we planned to go to
a REAL restaurant. But of course we ended up in the junk-Foodland.
Once we were
in McDonalds, and A had abandoned us for her bf, M started telling awesome
stories that didn´t make any kind of sense. I and K couldn´t stop laughing. In
the opposite table two guys in suits had appeared.
They began
to stare at us and it looked like they were judging our loud spirit. Hello if you can afford a Tiger suit, I
guess you can go instead to a fancy restaurant where annoying teenagers’ don´t exist.
As they had finished their food, one of
the “gentlemen” came over to me. I can’t remember the exact words, but he said
something like this; that cider that you´re drinking, you are worth better! I
couldn´t quit laughing, I was so sure that he was going to say that he is cop
and that underage drinking is wrong. Well then I said that I like the taste of
it, at least after the vodka mix that tasted like cough drops. The best part was when he asked if he could
recommend something better. According to
him I should have put frickin 20 euros on some Rum. When I told him that as
student you don´t simply put all your money on alcohol, he took out his wallet,
not to give me money as I thought but to prove me that he also was a student. After
that he said he was done with me, and he continued with the other dude to the
toilet. My theory is to have hot gay sex.
On my way
home some guy jumped in front of me in the middle of street and scared the hell
out of me. He said hello and asked for my name.
To sum everything up, I would say that yesterday was confusing.
PS, Sorry
for the extremely long post. (Or no I´m not thaat sorry)
12 Sept 2012
God is certainly playing with me
Somehow I just knew that this day wasn´t worth waking up to. In the
early morning my training bag decided to spread its contents all over the train
station. A lot of help was given by the
great number of people ignoring my presence by walking over my things. Then
again in the train an over weighted woman choose to sit on me, not beside me.
At school lunch “moussaka” was
served with both darker and lighter shades of staff member´s hair. Feeling like
an idiot I continued walking around with my training bag, which is by no lies
told a size of an elephant; obliviously I bumped into every third pillar and person.
Before my workout I went to a library, bringing
with me huge amount of food. Apparently the smart people didn´t appreciate my way
of trying to peel mandarins. Strange, I always thought only liquid coming out
lemon, made people moody. Other catastrophic
details from this day are better to be untold so that you avoid mental craziness
and I again avoid paying for your therapy session. One good thing though happened; a homeless guy
played on his guitar which made my day. His
positive attitude got me thinking that I really should work on my own attitude.
7 Sept 2012
Feeling Like a Rag doll
My parents went to the countryside, and left me home alone in
civilization. Poor me. Tomorrow I will go and watch Magic Mike with my
cousin. (Whoops, I´m such a badass for
breaking my first blog-rule) I have no idea what the movie is about, only
knowing that Channing Tatum is shirtless is enough.
Today I borrowed 5 novels that I will probably not read, sadly because
of my laziness. The reason to my library visit was my little life crisis. I´m
kind of disappointed in myself. Irritated by the fact that I never put my heart
into any schoolwork and I always begin working on a project in the very last
minute. Okay, so I have been told that school shouldn’t be your whole life,
well I have taken that part a bit too serious. It´s not that I get bad grades; on
paper everything actually looks great. But
then again I have never been a number obsessed person; my own judgment of how
good I really did is what matters. If my instinct tells me that I have no idea about
the facts in a subject, I really don´t handle the subject, I just have the ability
to trick the teachers with my stories.
Ignoring my math skills, I
usually do well in tests. I´m still
chill with failed accomplishments, but doing a plain performance is what
bothers me. Feeling average is I guess the worst feeling; I rather want to suck
than be bland. I´m a bit ashamed to say this, but to be honest, I´m jealous of
those people who are geeks and ready to study like hell. I´m quite sure, that my
attitude will get in the way of reaching my dreams, that aren´t even clear for
me yet. The cream of smartasses is noticed and so are the stupid assholes, but
what about us normal[1]
and lame creeps?
4 Sept 2012
Say bye bye to Tuesday och tisdag ja tiistai und Dienstag....
On this very day, every Senior-student in my school
had an own freshman slave. Mine bought me a mudcake and coke, which gave me faith
in today’s youth. For the first time
after Rome, my highest high heels ended up on my feet and I can assure you that
the sight must have been horrific.
Because of the love of Mother Nature I´m already 1, 77
m (5, 9 feet), and my choice of shoes only made me feel like a skyscraper, in
middle of the countryside. To add
height, I styled my hair to give me an extra meter. Well, to look at the brightside
I didn´t fall, not even once.
After partying hard at my school I have returned home
to my soft geek-chair and now I´m enjoying the leftovers of the cake...
Sincerely, Anza
1 Sept 2012
Drama Queens Kings
Okay so I just logged in to Facebook. The webpage that
is usually is utterly boring, besides all the "My life sucks
comments" + "I love u honey sugar pie
foreeeeever<3<3<3<3<3<3” after a 2 weeks of dating and the
following comments after the huge breakup, Fb hardly never provides me with entertainment.
My smartass year class impressed me big time; they decided to put up with a
fight, on our senior-group FB. In normal cases I would avoid drama, but as I´m
not part of it, why not enjoy it. Some guy was pissed off by the arrangements of
the senior class calendar, which is practically a calendar filled with half
naked boys. Poor guy didn´t get to be a photo model, quite tragic for his
future career dreams. Within an hour, over 70 comments had appeared. To be honest I didn´t feel for reading all of
them, but according to this discussion my schools boys are ready to fight for a
modeling opportunity. Somehow this seems quite weird. I think Tyra Banks should
come to our school and have her show here instead. Finland´s
next top desperate model boy would probably be a huge success. All this drama at the early hours of the day..
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