We both suck at expressing our emotions, we have never
been one of those girls who gossip about who is the hottest boy or talk about
who we have had a crush on. Instead have we had our little crazy world where
any ordinary trip has turned into one hell of a mess. If you only gave me a single look I knew exactly
what you meant to say. Almost anyone who observes us while we have a
conversation complains about how fucking fast we talk; it’s just that we both
have so much to say that there wouldn’t be enough hours in a day left. We both
have this irritating habit, no matter where we go we are always and always
late. I might get late to my own funeral.
I can’t believe how we had anything to talk about
those 9 years in elementary school that we were on same class and seeing each
other every single day. You bastard followed me like a puppy and moved to same
school as me on the sixth grade. I hated how you always had to go and shout out
all of my embarrassing moments and make me look like retarded monkey. But I'm not the one who was a big fan of Amy Diamond. I felt so
relieved when we both ended up in different high schools. But what if I had
never met you , would I today be a different kind of person?
You have heard all my stupid stories and so have I
heard yours but still we keep telling them to each other. You still keep
reminding me of that sharpener that I stole from school and I still can assure
you with all of my heart that those birds which kept hiding from you were real.
The first time I got drunk you were there and assured me that 3 ciders won’t
kill me, at least not right away. When you got your first boyfriend I was there
to laugh at you and making you feel uncomfortable.
I don’t really know how to explain us, but one thing
is for sure; by all means nothing good can ever come of when we put our brains
together. Last existing proof of our
intellectual level is from last weekend when we paid a high price to get into a
club (OR I PAID SO YOU STILL OWE ME) practically just to drink champagne
in the bathroom and later finding a sneaky door that made us lock ourselves out
in the freezing weather without having any coats.
We are so different; you could say we are the “Apples
and Oranges”. Why do people even say like that, they are both fruits? Shouldn’t
we instead say “Windows and Cakes”, I hope nobody eats windows. Every time we have been asked whether we are
best friends we have both shrugged, but if a monster would now happen to take
all the Mudcakes from the world away from me if I wouldn’t acknowledge our
friendship, I might say that you are my best friend.

We are the
crocos and you will always be my croco, we might not see each other for years
in the future but I know everything will be like the old days when we meet
again. But remember, within a year our
biggest adventure will begin.
Even when you’re 98 and ready to get rid of me, you
will always be my crazy Bitch.
This is so horribly cute that I'm about to puke rainbows all over my keyboard.